New Years Resolutions…In February?

New Year's Even Ball of 2013

-By Stephanie Johnson

            People all across the nation anticipate the dazzling ball drop in New York City on New Year’s Eve. As they count down the last seconds of the year, their excitement to start the New Year off with a fresh start grows.

For 2013 I made new goals to exercise more often, manage my stress, reach out to my sisters daily and budget my money. But as we enter the month of February, I am disappointed I have not followed through with my resolutions. Surprised? I am not… Most people never follow through with their New Years Resolutions for more than a month of two. But why?

Instead of making new goals for my New Year’s Resolutions, I want to reflect on the lessons I learned from the previous year. What mistakes did I make in 2012 and how did I learn from them? When was I the happiest and why? Modifying old habits seems to be easier and more realistic than forming new habits. For New Year’s Resolutions, people should construct small realistic improvements on themselves rather than trying to revolutionize their unique identity.

As a sophomore at Southern Methodist University, it is easy for me to get caught up in academics and sorority life. Sometimes I lose track of what is important to me and what I am working towards. But it is important that we self reflect on why we are working these long tiresome hours. My resolutions should lead me in the right direction of becoming a more loving sister, persevering student and kindhearted friend.

Here are my NEW New Years Resolutions:

  1. Utilize the off button on my iPhone – Turning off my phone is like turning off stress for me. When people are stressed they tend to take their frustration out on innocent friends or family. Do yourself a favor and turn your technology off for one hour a day.
  2. Organize events – Make time for studying, friends and relaxation!
  3. Make healthier food choices – When I am 50 years old, I want my concerns to be primarily focused on the well being of my children and husband. I do not want to be worried about my health being at risk. Eat healthy now so you have one less worry in the future.

It does not have to be January 1st for you to make new resolutions for yourself. Start now. Plan your next meal to be healthier than the last one. Compliment the next person you see. Do something for yourself tonight. Your mistakes make you who you are today. Learn from them to make yourself the person you want to be in 10 years from now.

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11 thoughts on “New Years Resolutions…In February?

  1. I completely agree! People make unrealistic new years resolutions every year and never see them through. Little changes in our day to day activities are what can truly make a change in our life.

  2. This is so true. I have never accomplished a New Years resolution because I think I set “the bar” too high! I like your NEW New Years goals, I will have to try those myself!

  3. Love this… it’s definitely time to refocus. I personally don’t make New Years Resolutions–they’re too much pressure! But re-doing them in February seems like a fun idea!

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